Źródło opisu
Katalog zbiorów
Forma i typ
Literatura faktu, eseje, publicystyka
Publikacje popularnonaukowe
Dramat (rodzaj)
Poradniki i przewodniki
Dział dla Dzieci i Młodzieży
Filia nr 1
Filia nr 2
Filia nr 8
Filia nr 9
Filia nr 12
Filia nr 17
Onichimowska Anna
Domańska Joanna (1970- )
Doyle Arthur Conan
Jax Joanna
Gajór Joanna (1961- )
Larson B.V
Kijowska Elżbieta (1950- )
Gajór Joanna
Kienzler Iwona
Wańkowicz Melchior
Cygler Hanna
Borowski Piotr (1977- )
Cielesz Ewa
Kosin Renata
Currie Evan
Domagalski Dariusz
Siemianowski Roch (1950- )
Tekieli Joanna
Przybyłek Marcin
Schrammek Dorota
Milli Dorota
Olejnik Agnieszka
Rekosz Dariusz (1970- )
Getner Jacek
Koper Sławomir
Kielecka Katarzyna
Szczygielski Marcin
Szmidt Robert J
Słowiński Przemysław
Warda Małgorzata
Kiss Jacek
Rekosz Dariusz
Wojdowicz Agnieszka
Dębski Eugeniusz
Rybałtowska Barbara
Rybałtowska Barbara (1936- )
Wojnarowska Elżbieta
Alex Joe
Dąbrowska-Jarosz Monika (1979- )
Karel Magdalena (1981- )
Kowalczuk Halina
Galsworthy John
Holland Sławomir (1958- )
Hunter Denise
Jax Joanna (1969- )
Kursa Małgorzata J
Molenda Jarosław
Myra King
Popczyński Marcin (1974- )
Więckowski Maciej (1982- )
Wójcik Wojciech
Śmigielska Krystyna
Alex Joe (1920-1998)
Białkowski Tomasz
Bilski Max
Brown Ryk
Dostojewski Fiodor
Douglas Ian
Dutka Wojciech
Erban Elżbieta Gizela
Janus Katarzyna
Jeż Agnieszka
Mróz Remigiusz (1987- )
Szepielak Anna J
Słomczyński Maciej (1920-1998)
Tarakson Stella
Wotowski Stanisław Antoni
Breitenwald Michał (1955- )
Brengos Anna M
Craig Alanson
Dickens Charles
Dębski Rafał
Evan Currie
Fredro Aleksander
Gosztyła Krzysztof (1956- )
Grabowska Katarzyna
Jastrun Tomasz
Jeromin-Gałuszka Grażyna
Karpińska Anna
Leblanc Maurice
Lewandowski Radosław
Majewska-Opiełka Iwona
Ossendowski Antoni Ferdynand
Ostrowicka Beata
Pietrzyk Agnieszka
Rybałtowska Barbara (1936- ). Saga
Rzepiela Monika
Stryjewska Anna
Webb Nick
Austen Jane
Cygler Hanna (1960- )
Dołęga-Mostowicz Tadeusz
Dąbrowska Anna
Filipowicz Leszek (1967- )
Frączyk Izabella
Jaszczuk Paweł
Krawczyk Agnieszka
Kulpa Piotr
Mantycka Ewelina Maria
Mańczyk Agata
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
Okres powstania dzieła
Kraj wydania
9-13 lat
6-8 lat
14-17 lat
0-5 lat
Szkoły podstawowe
Klasa 3.
Przynależność kulturowa
Literatura polska
Literatura angielska
Literatura amerykańska
Literatura francuska
Literatura kanadyjska
Literatura australijska
Literatura austriacka
Literatura niemiecka
Literatura norweska
Literatura rosyjska
Relacje międzyludzkie
Śledztwo i dochodzenie
II wojna światowa (1939-1945)
Trudne sytuacje życiowe
Podróże w czasie
Sekrety rodzinne
Osoby zaginione
Życie codzienne
Relacja romantyczna
Joanna Chyłka (postać fikcyjna)
Polacy za granicą
Przestępczość zorganizowana
Wybory życiowe
Michorowscy (rodzina fikcyjna)
Obyczaje i zwyczaje
Stefania Rudecka (postać fikcyjna)
Waldemar Michorowski (postać fikcyjna)
Biłas-Najmrodzka, Maria
Dziennikarstwo śledcze
Fiedler, Arkady (1894-1985)
Kordian Oryński (postać fikcyjna)
Ludzie a zwierzęta
Matki i córki
Narbutt, Elżbieta
Powstanie warszawskie (1944)
Samotne matki
Uczniowie szkół średnich
Alicja w Krainie Czarów (postać fikcyjna)
Archiwa prywatne
Arsène Lupin (postać fikcyjna)
Artyści kabaretowi polscy
Awans społeczny
Białowłosy (postać fikcyjna)
Biedzki, Tadeusz (1953- )
Boże Narodzenie
Chorzy na nowotwory
Dziadkowie i wnuki
Filipczak, Marzena
Grzesiuk, Stanisław (1918-1963)
Jakub Stern (postać fikcyjna)
Kawiarnie i cukiernie
Książęta i księżne
Ludzie bogaci
Ojcowie i synowie
Opieka nad zwierzętami
Osoby w wieku starszym
Temat: dzieło
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Warszawa (woj. mazowieckie)
Stany Zjednoczone (USA)
Paryż (Francja)
Kraków (woj. małopolskie)
Bieszczady (góry)
Gdańsk (woj. pomorskie)
Pobierowo (woj. zachodniopomorskie)
Anglia (Wielka Brytania)
Busko-Zdrój (woj. świętokrzyskie)
Imperium Osmańskie
Prowansja (Francja ; kraina historyczna)
Przemyśl (woj. podkarpackie)
Starożytny Egipt
Szczecin (woj. zachodniopomorskie)
Troja (Turcja ; miasto dawne)
Afryka Zachodnia
Bagdad (Irak)
Bliski Wschód
Czerniaków (Warszawa ; część miasta)
Dolne Łużyce
Dziwnów (woj. zachodniopomorskie, pow. kamieński, gm. Dziwnów)
Floryda (Stany Zjednoczone ; stan)
Galicja (kraina historyczna)
Gardzień (woj. warmińsko-mazurskie, pow. iławski, gm. Iława)
Górny Śląsk
Góry Świętokrzyskie
Hongkong (Chiny)
Jerozolima (Izrael)
Kociewie (region)
Kraina Czarów (kraina fikcyjna)
Las Kabacki (Warszawa ; rezerwat przyrody)
Londyn (Wielka Brytania)
Lwów (Ukraina ; okolice)
Lwów (Ukraina)
Mandżuria (Chiny ; kraina historyczna)
Mediolan (Włochy)
Neapol (Włochy)
Nibylandia (kraina fikcyjna)
Niewiadomice (miasto fikcyjne)
Podole (Ukraina)
Podole (kraina historyczna)
Puszcza Nadnotecka
Puławy (woj. lubelskie)
Stare Miasto (Warszawa ; część miasta)
Starożytna Grecja
Starożytny Izrael
Starożytny Rzym
Sucha Beskidzka (woj. małopolskie)
Tatry (góry)
Teksas (Stany Zjednoczone ; stan)
Teksas (Stany Zjednoczone)
Toruń (woj. kujawsko-pomorskie ; okolice)
Ueckermünde (Niemcy)
Ustka (woj. pomorskie, pow. słupski, gm. Ustka)
Wałcz (woj. zachodniopomorskie)
Wrocław (woj. dolnośląskie)
Łódź (woj. łódzkie)
Powieść obyczajowa
Powieść przygodowa
Saga rodzinna
Opowiadania i nowele
Powieść historyczna
Pamiętniki i wspomnienia
Powieść psychologiczna
Relacja z podróży
Science fiction
Powieść dziecięca polska
Publicystyka polska
Literatura podróżnicza polska
Powieść biograficzna
Bajki i baśnie
Film polski
Literatura podróżnicza
Pamiętniki polskie
Powieść polityczna
Anegdoty polskie
Dokumenty dźwiękowe
Dramat (gatunek literacki)
Legendy i podania
Przepisy kulinarne
Satyra polska
Wywiad dziennikarski
Dziedzina i ujęcie
Podróże i turystyka
Socjologia i społeczeństwo
Gospodarka, ekonomia, finanse
Medycyna i zdrowie
Etnologia i antropologia kulturowa
Filozofia i etyka
Kultura i sztuka
Polityka, politologia, administracja publiczna
Prawo i wymiar sprawiedliwości
Styl życia, moda i uroda
2848 wyników Filtruj
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Furiously Happy meets Elaine Lui in this truly original—and surprisingly hilarious—memoir about one woman’s journey to learn how to walk after a debilitating diagnosis turned her life upside down.
Learn How to Walk (Again) To-Do List:
Step 1: Stand
Step 2: Step
Step 3: Pee (Yes!)
Step 4: Walk with walker
Step 5: Walk with sticks
Step 6: Walk without props
Recreational interlude for sex
Step 7: RUN!
Ruth Marshall—power-mom, wife, actor, and daughter—was in great health, until one day, her feet started to tingle. As the feeling travelled up her legs, Ruth visited doctors and specialists for tests, but no one could figure out the cause of her symptoms. Was she imagining those pesky tingles? And then came a new numbness spreading up her legs. Was this menopause coming way ahead of schedule? She tried to brush it off, even as she tripped over curbs and bumbled into people. Clumsiness is charming, right?
But when Ruth suddenly couldn’t feel her legs at all, she knew something was terribly wrong. Her fears were confirmed by an MRI revealing a rare tumor—a meningioma—that had been quietly growing on her spine for over a decade. Within days, surgery was scheduled, and after the intense eight-hour ordeal, Ruth woke up to find her legs and feet had forgotten how to do . . . well, everything. The question that burned in her mind was, “Will I ever walk again?”

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A harrowing memoir about a woman’s struggle with postpartum depression.
Nine days after the birth of her daughter, Amanda was involuntarily admitted to a Toronto psychiatric ward for postpartum depression (PPD). The typical hold-and-release process in Ontario is seventy-two hours. She stayed eighteen days.
New parent sleep deprivation is familiar, but Munday’s tumultuous experience with depression is one rarely discussed within parent communities. Any mental illness comes with a strong public stigma, and with mental illness connected to motherhood, the judgments run deep. Through her experiences, Munday presents the harsh realities of new parenthood and the quiet suffering postpartum depression commands.
Day Nine is an intimate memoir that reads like a freight train, revealing how common life transitions — childbirth and parenthood — can unravel into a medical emergency few new parents are prepared for.
Cover design by Laura Boyle by permission of Dundurn Press Limited

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Fifteen-year-old Sadia Ahmadi is passionate about one thing: basketball. Her best friend Mariam, on the other hand, wants to get noticed by the popular crowd and has started de-jabbing, removing her hijab, at school every morning. Sadia’s mom had warned her that navigating high school could be tricky. As much as she hates to admit it, her mom was right.
When tryouts for an elite basketball team are announced, Sadia jumps at the opportunity. Her talent speaks for itself. Her head scarf, on the other hand, is a problem; especially when a discriminatory rule means she has to choose between removing her hijab and not playing. Mariam, Sadia’s parents, and her teammates all have different opinions about what she should do. But it is Sadia who has to find the courage to stand up for herself and fight for what is right — on and off the court.

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Deep in the desolate steppe, Captain Khabarov waits out his service at a camp where the news arrives in bundles of last year’s papers and rations turn up rotting in their trucks. The captain hopes for nothing more from life than a meagre pension and a state-owned flat. Until, one Spring, he decides to plant a field of potatoes to feed his half-starved men . . .
This blackly comic novel shows the unsettling consequences of thinking for yourself under the Soviet system. Oleg Pavlov’s first novel, published when he was only 24, Captain of the Steppe was immediately praised for its chilling but humane and hilarious depiction of the Soviet Empire’s last years. The first in a trilogy, this novel already confirms Pavlov as a worthy successor to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

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In the vast Kazakh steppes of the crumbling Soviet Empire, Alyosha has finished his army service and is promised a gift from his deaf commander: an everlasting steel tooth. As he waits for it in the infirmary, he agrees to help out a medical officer, and they set out on a journey that takes them all the way to the kingdom of the dead. Oleg Pavlov's kaleidoscope of a tale is peopled with soldiers and prisoners, hoboes and refugees and mice that steal medicines. Their surreal inner world is vividly reflected in Pavlov's expressive prose, reminiscent of Platonov. Poetic, tragic and darkly comic, the novel is at once a grotesque portrayal of late Soviet reality and an apocalyptic allegory that has drawn comparisons with Faulkner and Kafka.

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The Matiushin Case is among the most powerful recent works of Russian fiction. Deriving, like Captain of the Steppe (2013, And Other Stories), from Oleg Pavlov's experience of the declining Soviet Union, it follows Matiushin, a young man damaged by brutality at home and then in the army. Drawing on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's "labor-camp writing," Oleg Pavlov builds a unique tension between the horrors of conscription and the dreamlike, timeless mode of his writing. Matiushin's "crime and punishment" thus emerge with compelling inevitability; the victim turns killer. This hell is above all psychological—and no less universal than those of Dante or Dostoevsky.

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Emancipated Women (Emancypantki), by the acclaimed Polish author Boleslaw Prus, was first published as a serial in the Daily Courier (Kurier Codzienny) from 1890 to 1893, and as a book in 1894. Leading his readers, in a manner reminiscent of Dickens, from an elegant girls' school in Warsaw to a provincial town-from a magnate's palace to a boarding house for working women and a secret lying-in hospital for unmarried mothers-Prus explores the choices available to women in his time, and the forces that influenced those choices. Through the story of winsome Magdalena Brzeska and her friends, he attacks the conventional view that women lacked the capacity for gainful work and were simply consumers of resources provided by men. Instead, he offers portraits of women working to provide financial support to men-even, in some cases, male relatives who squander the women's earnings. Prus shows as well that women running small businesses had to put up with unwanted sexual innuendo and overtures when they needed to borrow capital from men. Magda's father, a physician, is marginalized because he refuses to overprescribe fashionable medicines. His refusal to play the profitability game adds to Magda's motivation to support herself. An intriguing love story with an ambiguous ending adds spice

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Emancipated Women (Emancypantki), by the acclaimed Polish author Boleslaw Prus, was first published as a serial in the Daily Courier (Kurier Codzienny) from 1890 to 1893, and as a book in 1894. Leading his readers, in a manner reminiscent of Dickens, from an elegant girls' school in Warsaw to a provincial town-from a magnate's palace to a boarding house for working women and a secret lying-in hospital for unmarried mothers-Prus explores the choices available to women in his time, and the forces that influenced those choices. Through the story of winsome Magdalena Brzeska and her friends, he attacks the conventional view that women lacked the capacity for gainful work and were simply consumers of resources provided by men. Instead, he offers portraits of women working to provide financial support to men-even, in some cases, male relatives who squander the women's earnings. Prus shows as well that women running small businesses had to put up with unwanted sexual innuendo and overtures when they needed to borrow capital from men. Magda's father, a physician, is marginalized because he refuses to overprescribe fashionable medicines. His refusal to play the profitability game adds to Magda's motivation to support herself. An intriguing love story with an ambiguous ending adds spice

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“‘Harry, this is Leonard. I just wanted you to know I watched your film on me and it struck me I never thanked you enough at the time for the magnificent gift you gave with that film. Call me.’
Then he left his personal number.”
– Harry Rasky, April 2000.
No other book about Leonard Cohen gets so close to the man, his city, his poems and songs, his friends, his background, and the many original influences that forged this world-famous poet, songwriter and performer as the Song of Leonard Cohen. Based on the documentary film Rasky made centred on Leonard Cohen in 1979, this book includes texts taken from the film with numerous notes and personal reminiscences from this long-standing friendship with Leonard Cohen. The Song of Leonard Cohen also includes many rare photos of Leonard Cohen and is considered to be one of the best and most intimate portraits of the subject.

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Rebecca Eckler is a popular newspaper columnist who lives the fabulous life and gets paid to write about it. So when a tipsy romp with her fiancé on the night of their lavish engagement party leaves her unexpectedly expecting, she is utterly at a loss. How will a woman who loves nothing more than a night out on the town sipping cocktails with her fellow party girls survive the pregnant life?
Knocked Up is the witty, engaging and refreshingly frank chronicle of a modern woman’s journey into motherhood. We follow Eckler from the first trimester (a.k.a. the longest three months of her life), through the “fat months” of the second trimester, on to the "even fatter months" of the third. Flipping the pages of this Bridget-Jones-style diary, we share in Eckler’ s discovery of prenatal vitamins and nursing bras, ultrasounds and obstetricians. And we experience her growing horror at the physical symptoms of pregnancy: all-day “morning” sickness, fatigue, varicose veins, and cravings. And the weight gain, oh the weight gain. Who knew the day would come when she could no longer put on her own socks?
Along for the ride is a cast of characters as comical as any met in fiction. There’s the Sexy Young Intern, a Sophia Loren look-a-like with her skinny eyes set on Eckler’s job; the glamorous friends who continue to drink Manhattans, while Eckler sips Perrier; and the Cute Single Man who knows just when she needs a carton of ice cream or a game of Scrabble. And then there’s the fiancé, living in another city, who, thanks to the miracle of long-distance phone lines, appreciates better than anybody the highs and lows of the hormonal rollercoaster pregnant Eckler is on.
Lighthearted, intimate, and very funny, Knocked Up is the diary of a modern mother-to-be determined not to let pregnancy and motherhood change her life. Not. One. Little. Bit.

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A guide for Canadians on how to use real estate as an investment and retirement solution.
Leveraging equity in a principal residence and using it wisely to purchase rental property is the solution to a safe, secure retirement for millions of Canadians.
Many Canadians who own their home have never considered buying a second property. And nearly one-third of retirees are worried about running out of money. The Real Estate Retirement Plan shows how homeowners can use the tools already available to them — their mortgages — to access the initial capital to invest and prepare for their retirement. This is a proven, validated antidote to today’s historically low savings rates, poor current rates of return, and pressure on CPP and health care.
With examples and a detailed discussion of the principles and mechanics, Calum Ross and Simon Giannini demystify real-estate investing and make an irrefutable case for borrowing to invest.

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This One’s Trouble offers a collection of some of the best hard-hitting crime stories from acclaimed writer Peter Sellers. Hailed as "one of the key figures in the Canadian mystery renaissance" in the pages of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, Peter Sellers' entertaining and offbeat crime fiction stories have appeared in every major mystery magazine including Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine and Hardboiled. In This One’s Trouble, readers will discover characters that live in a world of shattered dreams and failed plans, where the banality of evil is found in everyday life. "A typical Sellers story there is usually one bad decision made, and on that hangs the plot—as well as the perpetrator."—Don Hutchison, acclaimed author of Great Pulp Heroes. Included here are some of his best work, including stories "Avenging Miriam" which won the 2001 Ellery Queen Readers Award and the title story which was nominated for the Arthur Ellis Award in 1992.

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Late Soviet stagnation, Moscow. Alyosha – a writer who suffers from fits accompanied by memory loss – admits himself to a psychiatric institute for experimental treatment.
Inspired by Ivan the Terrible’s “Memorial Book of the Disgraced” and his own spiritual crisis, Alyosha has been trying to record the memories of people in his life who “died before their time, leaving nothing behind except in my memory”. In hospital, however, he changes tack and decides to dedicate his Memorial Book to the memories of the elderly patients in his ward, described to him as alumni of the early-Soviet Institute for Natural Genius. This plan, however, is hijacked by one patient who tells him a story that reaches even further back into the past of the Russian Revolution. He learns about the philosopher, Nikolai Fyodorov, who believed humanity’s greatest task was to physically resurrect its dead ancestors, and Madame de Staël who, through supernatural means, became the midwife of the Bolshevik Revolution and a lover of, among others, Fyodorov, Scriabin and Stalin.
"Before and During" makes for a fantastical and satirical retelling of Russian history, one that is rich in the philosophical and historiosophic legacy of Russian literature.

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Seventeenth century Russia, New Jerusalem Monastery. The recently deposed Patriarch Nikon, whose reforms lead to a schism in the Orthodox church, employs a French dramatist to stage the New Testament and hasten the Second Coming of Christ. Jacques de Sertan’s troupe consists of untrained and illiterate peasants. The actors are divided into roles, whole families play different social or ethnic groups that lived in Jerusalem around the time of Christ. No one, however, is allowed to play the Messiah.
The preparations take years and are interrupted when consequences of the schism catch up to Nikon. Everyone is arrested and forced into exile. Despite all the hardship, the rehearsals continue for years even after the deaths of the original actors with children inheriting their parents’ roles...
“The Rehearsals” is a stunning reflection on Russian history of ideas, national identity, art, literature and religion.

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True stories from the Women of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Red Coat Diaries brings tales from the RCMP, but with a new and unique perspective. Editor Aaron Sheedy has compiled over 30 stories from the women of the RCMP. These stories include stories from officers, civilians and retired members of the Force. These true stories offer a unique insider's perspective of the "Mounties" and reveal the joy, anguish, reward and humour of working on the Force.

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Using over 40 simple lessons, How to Lead Smart People shows you how to manage a team of equals with intelligence and diplomacy.
Traditional skills are re-evaluated for the leader of a smart team. Split into three sections: leading yourself, leading your team and leading your organisation, the book offers advice
for 360-degree management.
How to Lead Smart People teaches core skills such as decision-making and delegating but also soft skills such as delivering good and bad news to team members and how to realise longer-term aims such as building trust and growing your team. The authors also offer advice on how to look after yourself as a team leader, how to build resilience in tough situations and how to develop creativity and extend your skill base so that you are constantly learning.
Arun Singh OBE FRSA is a leading international business lawyer and formerly a partner at KPMGLegal. He is a corporate educator in leadership and negotiations to international organisations, visiting professor at UK and Chinese university business schools, and a senior
government advisor with over 30 years’ experience.
Mike Mister was formerly the Global Director for Executive Development at EY Global and is now based at The Møller Institute at Churchill College, University of Cambridge. He works in supporting the development of leadership and change management capability in large organisations.

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In the chaos of early-1990s Russia, the wife and stepdaughter of a paralyzed veteran conceal the Soviet Union’s collapse from him in order to keep him―and his pension―alive until it turns out the tough old man has other plans. Olga Slavnikova’s The Man Who Couldn’t Die tells the story of how two women try to prolong a life―and the means and meaning of their own lives―by creating a world that doesn’t change, a Soviet Union that never crumbled.
After her stepfather’s stroke, Marina hangs Brezhnev’s portrait on the wall, edits the Pravda articles read to him, and uses her media connections to cobble together entire newscasts of events that never happened. Meanwhile, her mother, Nina Alexandrovna, can barely navigate the bewildering new world outside, especially in comparison to the blunt reality of her uncommunicative husband. As Marina is caught up in a local election campaign that gets out of hand, Nina discovers that her husband is conspiring as well―to kill himself and put an end to the charade. Masterfully translated by Marian Schwartz, The Man Who Couldn’t Die is a darkly playful vision of the lost Soviet past and the madness of the post-Soviet world that uses Russia’s modern history as a backdrop for an inquiry into larger metaphysical questions.

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An old seventies trend was making its way back into the suburban homes of Montreal, Quebec. Husbands and wives were having consensual sex with other married couples and trying to keep the secret under wraps, unsuccessfully. Swapping. Swinging. An organized sex agreement; and to a thirty-nine year-old mother of two, like Valerie Matthews, the idea was riveting.
With forty looming, Val wanted to spice things up by giving herself a birthday present– the sex life she desired, so she convinced her husband Ryan to join a club that would change their lives forever. Within 24hrs of meeting the madam of the club Celeste, Ryan and Val signed the contract that officially made them members of Swap Club, Montreal's secret sex club for married couples
The second Saturday of every month: a text message and an address. At 8pm each husband knocks on a strange door and each wife opens her door to a stranger. Of course, Montreal can be a small town and no one is a total stranger.
Twelve months. Twelve encounters. Nothing out of bounds. Nothing taboo. Unbridled desire and the freedom to live out your deepest fantasies is hot and sexy but even with all the benefits–comes consequences.
Meet Valerie Matthews and Swap Club is the recap of the lewdest year of her life.

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An old 1970s trend had resurfaced in suburban Montreal homes—husbands and wives having consensual sex with other married couples as part of a not-so-secret sex club. Valerie Matthews jumped into Swap Club with both feet, and now after two years of living out her wildest desires, her sex life has flourished but her relationships have suffered. Her marriage is on the rocks and her friendships are strained. Valerie knows all too well about pushing her limits and living with the consequences of her real life and fantasies coming together.
In Year 3, Val has come to a crossroads. She must choose between the marriage she has, the love she craves, and the sex life she deserves. But Valerie Matthews isn’t the kind of woman that leaves her choices in the hands of others.
Not anymore. She is taking control. She knows what she wants.
The problem with having your whole cake and eating it too… is that it’s a lot of cake.

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The old 1970s trend of suburban husbands and wives having consensual sex with other married couples is alive in Montreal.
For her fortieth birthday, Valerie Matthews gave herself the sex life she deserved and joined the not-so-secret Swap Club with her husband Ryan. One year later, determined to hold on to the excitement they discovered, Val and Ryan decide to embark on year two in Swap Club, hoping that having a good sex life in the bedroom will be enough to keep their marriage together outside the bedroom.
But in year two, the strict rules of Swap Club cannot contain the inevitable truths of Val opening her door to someone else’s husband on the second Saturday of every month while Ryan is entertained by someone else’s wife. Lines blur as real life and sex life collide. Val is pursued by her old flame, Tyler, as Ryan’s ambition pulls him away. Desperate to hold on to love, sex, and her marriage, Val discovers the only way forward is to let go.

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