Adonis Andrew
Źródło opisu
Forma i typ
Sekuła Aleksandra
Kozioł Paweł
Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Kotwica Wojciech
Adonis Andrew
Kowalska Dorota
Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Konopnicka Maria
Popławska Anna (filolog)
Roberts Nora (1950- )
Christie Agatha (1890-1976)
Kochanowski Jan
Drewnowski Jacek (1974- )
Cartland Barbara
Zarawska Patrycja (1970- )
Steel Danielle (1947- )
Shakespeare William
Mickiewicz Adam (1798-1855)
Dickens Charles
Buchner Friederike von
Hackett Pete
Maybach Viola
Żeleński Tadeusz (1874-1941)
Waidacher Toni
Verne Jules
Włodarczyk Barbara
Prus Bolesław (1847-1912)
Shakespeare William (1564-1616)
Twain Mark
Poe Edgar Allan
Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
May Karl
Brzechwa Jan (1900-1966)
Ludwikowska Jolanta (1962- )
Zimnicka Iwona (1963- )
Krzyżanowski Julian
Otwinowska Barbara
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy (1812-1887)
London Jack
Słowacki Juliusz (1809-1849)
Konopnicka Maria (1842-1910)
Krzyżanowski Julian (1892-1976)
Leśmian Bolesław
Słowacki Juliusz
King Stephen (1947- )
Dönges Günter
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Mahr Kurt
Disney Walt (1901-1966)
Chotomska Wanda (1929-2017)
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Królicki Zbigniew A. (1954- )
Fabianowska Małgorzata
Kijowska Elżbieta (1950- )
Krasicki Ignacy
Vega Lope de
Донцова Дарья
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Trzeciak Weronika
Kühnemann Andreas
Coben Harlan (1962- )
Калинина Дарья
Szulc Andrzej
Montgomery Lucy Maud (1874-1942)
Courths-Mahler Hedwig (1867-1950)
Marciniakówna Anna
Andersen Hans Christian (1805-1875)
Mickiewicz Adam
Francis H.G
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Conrad Joseph
Austen Jane
Webb Holly
May Karol
Chmielewska Joanna (1932-2013)
Vlcek Ernst
Tuwim Julian (1894-1953)
Barner G.F
Prus Bolesław
Autores Varios
Andersen Hans Christian
Chávez José Pérez
Ławnicki Lucjan
Ellmer Arndt
Gawryluk Barbara (1957- )
Szal Marek
Balzac Honoré de
Stevenson Robert Louis
Ochab Janusz (1971- )
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Palmer Roy
Iwaszkiewicz Jarosław (1894-1980)
Kasdepke Grzegorz (1972- )
Kipling Rudyard
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
Kraj wydania
1 wynik Filtruj
W koszyku
Forma i typ
Statesman, pre-eminent leader and founder of the free world's then largest and most formidable trade union, Ernest Bevin was one of the most rousing figures of the twentieth century. Minister of Labour in the wartime coalition during the Second World War, he was Churchill's right-hand man, masterminding the home front while the war supremo commanded the battle front. Afterwards, he was Foreign Secretary at one of the most critical moments in international history, responsible for keeping Stalin and communism out of Western Europe, and for creating West Germany, NATO and the transatlantic alliance, all of which underpin European democracy and security to this day. An orphan farm boy from Bristol, Bevin's astonishing rise to fame and power is unmatched by any leader to this day. In this discerning and wide-ranging biography, Andrew Adonis examines how 'the working-class John Bull' grew to a position of such authority, and offers a critical reassessment of his life and influence. Finally exploring Bevin's powerful legacy and lessons for our own age, Adonis restores this charismatic statesman to his rightful place among the pantheon of Britain's greatest political leaders.
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