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Stefan Zweig
Dard Frédéric
Ignatieff Michael
Foxlee Karen
Getten Kereen
Gundar-Goshen Ayelet
Johnson Daisy May
Morand Paul
Abe Kazushige
Céspedes Alba de
Feuerstein-Praßer Karin
Fröhling Stefan
Gazdanov Gaito
Hesse Hermann
Jarvis Robin
Junkelmann Marcus
Library The London
März Stefan
Nors Dorthe
Raman RV
Rilke Rainer Maria
Schnitzler Arthur
Stankiewitz Karl
Takagi Akimitsu
Verweyen Hansjürgen
Wolfsteiner Alfred
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
Alejziak Wiesław
Angelis Augusto De
Annet Schaap
Assor Abigail
Assèl Astrid
Aumüller Gerhard
Autissier Isabelle
Axelsson Linnea
Babel Isaac
Barceló Pedro
Barea Arturo
Bazterrica Agustina
Beck Barbara
Beier Claudia
Belorusets Yevgenia
Bezzel Anne
Biegel Paul
Bierce Ambrose
Boileau Pierre
Borodin N.M
Bosco María Angélica
Boyle Kay
Braun Oliver
Buwalda Peter
Bärsch Jürgen
Campos Simone
Chang Lan Samantha
Chekhov Anton
Clauss Martin
Colin Campbell
Corpora Michelle Jabès
Cărtărescu Mircea
Dalí Salvador
Dettmering Erhart
Diestelmann Dieter
Dine S. S. Van
Diop David
Dittrich Konrad
Donnelly Ned
Dorsey Candas Jane
Douaihy Margaret
Dragt Tonke
Dylan Thomas
Eekhout Anne
Effhauser Matthias
Empoli Giuliano de
EnJoe Toh
Eva Frantz
Eva Meijer
Eyres Harry
Fink Oliver
Fleming Anne
Fournel Paul
Freitag Friedegund
Freitag Matthias
Frenkel Françoise
Fujino Kaori
Gierriero Leila
Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich
Goldewijk Yorick
Gonzáles Tomás
Grabowska Zuzanna
Greg Thomas Tylston
Gretzschel Matthias
Greygoose David
Gößner Andreas
Hartlaub Felix
Haversath Johann-Bernhard
Hayes Alfred
Hempel Dirk
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 338.48 (1 egz.)
Czytelnia Specjalistyczna
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Pilotaż wycieczek zagranicznych / [red. Zygmunt Kruczek ; aut. Wiesław Alejziak et al.]. - Wydanie 5 uzupełnione i poprawione - Kraków : PUS "Mentor" 1996. - 215, [19] stron : ilustracje ; 24 cm.
Podręcznik zalecany jako lektura dla specjalistów z obsługi ruchu turystycznego w Policealnych Studiach Zawodowych.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 338.48-32(07) (1 egz.)
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Starożytny zbiór ezoterycznych ksiąg hinduskich – tantra – jest systemem filozoficznym, w którym miłość płciowa stanowi sakrament, a wzajemny stosunek kobiety i mężczyzny podnosi się do rangi wielkiej sztuki. Oto właśnie sztuka świadomego kochania. Niestety na przekór temu, w co wszyscy chcielibyśmy wierzyć – nie rodzimy się z umiejętnością współżycia, również seksualnego. Także niewielu z nas wyniosło korzyści z konwencjonalnej edukacji w dziedzinie seksu, a na miłość nie ma dotąd w naszej kulturze recepty. Mimo że nazywamy się „dziećmi seksrewolucji” - wciąż działają na nas systemy poglądów wzbudzające poczucie winy, lęk, niepewność i wstyd. To dobrze, że zgodnie z doktryną filozofii tantrycznej nauki tantry odradzają się z każdą epoką, a więc – i z naszą, dając ludziom szansę na niecodzienne partnerstwo, tak seksualne, jak i duchowe. []
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 392.6 (1 egz.)
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Serce Pienin / [L. Rhwł]. - Tarnów : Pustelnia w Pieninach, 1947. - 24 strony ; 15 cm.
Na stronie tytułowej skrót nazwiska autora, nazwisko właściwe: Leopold Rachwał.
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Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 821.162.1-3 (1 egz.)
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Na książce pseudonim autora, nazwa: Margot Vanderstraeten.
Książka w języku angielskim. Co się stanie, kiedy lewicująca, zbuntowana studentka z Antwerpii, mieszkająca ze swoim irańskim chłopakiem, trafi do domu ortodoksyjnej żydowskiej rodziny, która żyje zamknięta we własnym świecie, na obrzeżach belgijskiego społeczeństwa? Czy bezpośrednia, trochę zadziorna dziewczyna może się odnaleźć w środowisku, pielęgnującym zwyczaje, które nie zmieniły się od setek lat? Margot przez sześć lat spędzała popołudnia w domu Schneiderów, pomagając ich dzieciom w nauce. Jej metody dydaktyczne bywały całkiem nieortodoksyjne – stosowała między innymi prowokacyjne pytania, obcesowe komentarze i dużo śmiechu. Okazało się, że w niektórych sprawach dogaduje się z uczniami znakomicie, na przykład w interesach (razem ze średnim synem Schneiderów, Jakovem, przez kilka lat prowadzili wspólny biznes – ona pisała jego kolegom wypracowania, on zajmował się logistyką i zgarniał procent). W innych kwestiach, jak podejście do mody czy seksu, różnice były większe. Nie przeszkodziło to jednak Margot i jej uczniom konfrontować się z wzajemną odmiennością i co dzień przekraczać dzielące ich granice. Choć pierwsze zetknięcie dwóch skrajnie różnych światów i światopoglądów było gwałtowne, z czasem wśród gaf i pomyłek początkowa nieufność zmieniła się w niezwykłą przyjaźń, która przetrwała lata. []
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.112.5(493)-3 (1 egz.)
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A madcap, darkly comic novel about the strange fate of a tone-deaf girl who just wants to sing, from a Japanese literary star __________ 'The most dangerous author working today' BRUTUS 'Abe's superpower is to transform everything he touches into exciting literature' Kotaru Isaka, author of 'Bullet Train' __________ Shiori knows at heart that she's a troubadour. She may be completely tone-deaf, but she won't let that stop her living a life dedicated to music. Even when her dominant older sister, Nozomi, forces Shiori to accept that her wild singing provokes only revulsion, she decides to forge a career as a lyricist instead. At eighteen, she moves to Tokyo to pursue her dream. Isolated and struggling in this unfamiliar city, Shiori seeks connection online, where her trusting outlook leaves her vulnerable to exploitation - with potentially explosive results. Shot through with dark irony and a playful sense of the absurd, Mysterious Setting is a propulsive and gloriously strange novel from one of Japan's most distinctive contemporary writers.
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An off-kilter darkly ironic novella about a boy's strange obsession with the Japanese crested ibis, from a Japanese literary star Seventeen-year-old Haruo spends all his waking hours online, fixated on the endangered Japanese crested ibis, Nipponia Nippon. Alone in his Tokyo apartment, living off his parents' indulgence, he descends into a fantasy world where he alone shares a bond with the last of these noble birds, their lives caged in the national conservation centre. Haruo's destiny becomes clear. He will free the birds—alive or dead—from an undeserving civilization. As Haruo's emotional state grows increasingly erratic, he searches the internet for weapons and prepares for the night of reckoning.
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'One never tires of reading and re-reading his best works. Akutagawa was a born short-story writer' Haruki Murakami 'The quintessential writer of his era' David Peace These are short stories from an unparalleled icon of modern Japanese literature. Sublimely crafted and shot through with a fantastical sensibility, they offer dazzling glimpses into moments of madness, murder and obsession. A talented and spiteful painter is given over to depravity in pursuit of artistic brilliance. In the depths of hell, a robber spies a single spider's thread being lowered towards him. When a body is found in an isolated bamboo grove, a kaleidoscopic account of violence and desire begins to unfold. Vividly translated by Bryan Karetnyk, this mesmerising collection brings together a series of essential works from the master of the Japanese short story. Part of the Pushkin Press Classics series: timeless storytelling by icons of literature, hand-picked from around the globe. Translated by Bryan Karetyn Ryunosuke Akutagawa was one of Japan's leading literary figures in the Taisho period. Regarded as the father of the Japanese short story, he produced over 150 in his short lifetime. Haunted by the fear that he would inherit his mother's madness, Akutagawa suffered from worsening mental health problems towards the end of his life and committed suicide aged 35 by taking an overdose of barbiturates.
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A tense and dramatic murder mystery from the father of the Italian 'giallo' crime genre, featuring Inspector De Vincenzi.A body is discovered in a Milan apartment, and Inspector De Vincenzi investigates. The apartment happens to belong to and old university friend of his, Aurigi. When the body turns out to be that of Aurigi's banker, and a phial of prussic acid is discovered in the bathroom, suspicion falls on the apartment's owner, and De Vincenzi is agonisingly torn between his sense of duty and his loyalty to an old comrade...This intensely dramatic mystery from the father of the Italian crime novel, Augusto de Angelis, is the first to feature his most famous creation - Inspector De Vincenzi.Augusto De Angelis (1888-1944) was an Italian novelist and journalist, most famous for his series of detective novels featuring Commissario Carlo De Vincenzi. His cultured protagonist was enormously popular in Italy, but the Fascist government of the time considered him an enemy, and during the Second World War he was imprisoned by the authorities. Shortly after his release he was beaten up by a Fascist activist and died from his injuries.
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SHORTLISTED FOR THE CARNEGIE AWARD 2020AN OBSERVER BEST BOOK OF 2019'An astonishing, mysterious seaswept story... Dazzles with darkness and glitters with light' Cerrie Burnell, author of Harper and the Sea of SecretsEvery evening Lampie the lighthouse keeper's daughter must light a lantern to warn ships away from the rocks. But one stormy night disaster strikes. The lantern goes out, a ship is wrecked and an adventure begins.In disgrace, Lampie is sent to work as a maid at the Admiral's Black House, where rumour has it that a monster lurks in the tower. But what she finds there is stranger and more beautiful than any monster. Soon Lampie is drawn into a fairytale adventure in a world of mermaids and pirates, where she must fight with all her might for friendship, freedom and the right to be different.
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Seit dem Mittelalter kämpften die Münchner Brauer damit, dass sie es mit einem leicht verderblichen Lebensmittel zu tun hatten, das sich schlecht lagern ließ. Das Reinheitsgebot von 1516 schrieb daher nicht nur die zum Bierbrauen zu verwendenden Zutaten – Gerste, Wasser, Hopfen – vor, auch war das Brauen nur noch in der Zeit zwischen 29. September und 23. April erlaubt. Von nun an musste genügend Bier auf Vorrat gebraut und eingelagert werden, damit die Stadtbevölkerung auch im Sommer ein "pfennig-vergeltliches" Bier bekam – eine große Herausforderung für die Brauer! Damit begann ein fast gänzlich in Vergessenheit geratenes Kapitel der Münchner Geschichte: der Bau der Sommerbier-Lagerkeller an den Isar-Hochufern. Astrid Assél und Christian Huber holen diesen Teil der Biergeschichte aus dem "Untergrund" und lassen längst Vergessenes wieder zu Tage treten.
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WINNER OF THE FRANÇOISE SAGAN PRIZE WINNER OF THE BOOKSTAGRAM PRIZE SHORTLISTED FOR THE GONCOURT PRIZE FOR DEBUT NOVEL 'With this book, Abigail Assor announces herself as one of the most distinctive voices in North African literature. This is a vibrant, sensual, subversive novel with an unforgettable heroine' Leïla Slimani _______________ Sarah is poor, but at least she's French, which allows her to attend Casablanca's elite high school for expats and wealthy locals. It's there that she first lays eyes on Driss. He's older, quiet and not particularly good looking—apart from his eyes, which are the deep green of thyme simmering in a tagine. Most importantly, he's rumoured to be the richest guy in the city. She decides she wants those eyes. And she wants a life like his. But to get to Driss she will have to cross the gaping divide that separates them and climb to the top of the city's society, from street corner merguez and chips to a mansion overlooking the ocean. Provocative, immersive, sensual, As Rich as the King is a twisted love story and a bittersweet ode to Casablanca.
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Die Leben von Adalbert Friedrich Marcus (1753–1816) und Johann Lucas Schönlein (1793–1864) umfassen Aufklärung, napoleonische Zeit, deutsche Revolution und den deutsch-deutschen Krieg – Ereignisse, die das Leben der bedeutenden Mediziner, die in besonderer Weise mit der Stadt Bamberg verbunden sind, prägten. Marcus stieg zum Leibarzt des Fürstbischofs Franz Ludwig von Erthal auf und stieß bedeutende sozial-medizinische Projekte an. Schönlein wurde zu einem der Begründer der naturwissenschaftlichen Medizin, zu einem politisch Verfolgten im Vormärz, zum Leibarzt Friedrich Wilhelms IV. und zum Förderer von Kunst und Kultur seiner fränkischen Heimat.
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Suddenly / Isabelle Autissier. - [miejsce nieznane] : Pushkin Press : Legimi, 2023.
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'A tense and exhilarating read' Le Figaro 'You'll devour this novel' Express 'This novel brings you to the rawest edges of what our humanity becomes when we're far from civilisation' Lire __________ A gripping story of survival set against the stark backdrop of the Antarctic Ocean, a couple shipwrecked on an island must trust each other with their lives A young couple sets out on a journey by yacht around Cape Horn, but the adventure of a lifetime soon becomes a fight for survival. When they are stranded on a freezing, desolate island in the South Atlantic Ocean, they find themselves having to rely on each other as never before. Will their relationship survive until help arrives—and will they? A stunning, harrowing tale of endurance from an expert in sailing, Suddenly tells the story of the people we become when faced with the awesome power of the natural world.
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Aednan / Linnea Axelsson. - [miejsce nieznane] : Pushkin Press : Legimi, 2024.
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A deeply moving, revelatory novel-in-verse about the struggle and persistence of two Indigenous Sámi families across a century of forced migration and colonial trauma __________ 'Crystalline... reads like poetry and myth at once. There are intricate layers of beauty and meaning here in sparse clusters across a vast new landscape as I've never read before. The music of this book is old, and it is new, and it is old' Tommy Orange, author of 'There, There' 'Incredibly beautiful and magnificent... With Ædnan, Swedish literature has been enriched' Dagens Nyheter 'Not only a linguistic adventure, innovative and rooted in both traditions and renewal, but also a statement that we are bigger and freer than the borders that shut us out from each other... Remarkable and magnificent' Norrtelje Tidning __________ In Northern Sámi, the word Ædnan means the land, the ground and the earth. In this majestic verse novel, Linnea Axelsson chronicles the fates of two Indigenous Sámi families over a hundred years as they are expelled from their ancestral home, giving powerful voice to a history under threat of erasure. In the 1910s, Ristin and Ber-Joná try to care for their infant twins while migrating their reindeer herd to their summer pasture. As a border is imposed between northernmost Sweden and Norway, the family faces tragedy when it is forced to migrate south. In the 1970s, Lise - part of a new generation of Sámi grappling with questions of identity and inheritance - reflects on her traumatic childhood, when she was placed in a "nomad school" to be stripped of her ancestors' language. Moving into the 2010s, Lise's daughter Sandra seeks to reclaim her heritage, becoming an activist fighting for reparations in a highly publicized land rights trial. With grand scope and stunning, crystalline language, Ædnan weaves together a chorus of voices from across a century into a profound and moving epic of Sámi life.
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Red Cavalry / Isaac Babel. - [miejsce nieznane] : Pushkin Press : Legimi, 2014.
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War's mess and muddle, the brutality and the inanity of fighting - few have better captured this than Isaac Babel, who was a journalist with the Soviet First Cavalry Army. His unflinching portrayal of the murderous havoc of battle is offset by an unexpected and wry humour: having seen the fighting up close, Babel is able to find the funny side of war while depicting its bloody side - in all its mesmerising and casual violence. The lyricism and bitterness that characterise the thirty-five short stories of Red Cavalry are stunningly reproduced in this new translation by the award-winning Boris Dralyuk.
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Days in the Caucasus / Banine. - [miejsce nieznane] : Pushkin Press : Legimi, 2019.
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A scintillatingly witty memoir telling the story of a young woman's determined struggle for freedomWe all know families that are poor but 'respectable'. Mine, in contrast, was extremely rich but not 'respectable' at all...This is the unforgettable memoir of an 'odd, rich, exotic' childhood, of growing up in Azerbaijan in the turbulent early twentieth century, caught between East and West, tradition and modernity.Banine remembers her luxurious home, with endless feasts of sweets and fruit; her beloved, flaxen-haired German governess; her imperious, swearing, strict Muslim grandmother; her bickering, poker-playing, chain-smoking relatives. She recalls how the Bolsheviks came, and they lost everything. How, amid revolution and bloodshed, she fell passionately in love, only to be forced into marriage with a man she loathed- until the chance of escape arrived.By turns gossipy and romantic, wry and moving, Days in the Caucasus is a coming-of-age story and a portrait of a vanished world. Banine shows us what it means to leave the past behind, and how it haunts us.Banine was born Umm El-Banu Assadullayeva in 1905, into a wealthy family in Baku, then part of the Russian Empire. Following the Russian Revolution and the subsequent fall of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, Banine was forced to flee her home-country - first to Istanbul, and then to Paris. In Paris she formed a wide circle of literary acquaintances including Nicos Kazantzakis, André Malraux, Ivan Bunin and Teffi and eventually began writing herself. Days in the Caucasus is Banine's most famous work. It was published in 1945 to critical acclaim but has never been translated into English, until now.
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Parisian Days / Banine. - [miejsce nieznane] : Pushkin Press : Legimi, 2023.
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'A scintillating book' TLS 'Her company is a delight' Tatler 'Part memoir, part social history... sumptuous and unsparing' Financial Times A brilliantly witty memoir telling the story of a young woman's determined struggle for freedom The Orient Express hurtles towards the promised land, freeing Banine from her past. Escaping her ruined homeland and forced marriage, she aspires to a dazzling future in Paris. As a chic Parisienne she mingles with émigrés, artists and writers-and even contemplates love. But freedom brings challenges. Swept along by the forces of history, can Banine keep up? Filled with vivacious wit and a lust for life, this companion to Days in the Caucasus is a paean to bittersweet dreams and the quest for happiness.
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Kaiser Konstantins Hinwendung zum Christentum hatte weitreichende Folgen sowohl für das Römische Imperium als auch das aufstrebende Christentum. Neben die traditionelle Autorität der Kaiser traten zunehmend die Führer der jungen Kirche, die Bischöfe. Beide Institutionen verantworten ab der Mitte des 4. Jahrhunderts weitgehend die Reichspolitik, die Staat und Kirche in eine Beziehung zwischen Kooperation und Machtkampf bringt und ihr Verhältnis zueinander in den folgenden Jahrhunderten prägen wird. Das Buch liefert einen neuen Blick auf das Ende des Imperiums und den Aufstieg des Christentums. Die Kaiser waren nicht mehr Gott ebenbürtig, sondern "Diener", und das nur dann, wenn sie der Kirche dienten. Am Ende war die Kirche Erbe des Römischen Imperiums und der Bischof von Rom (später Papst genannt) in der Nachfolge der Cäsaren Mittelpunkt nicht nur der christlichen Welt. Der Autor, bekannter und anerkannter Experte, zeichnet ein faszinierendes Bild der Epoche und spannt den Bogen durch "eines der längsten Jahrhunderte" der europäischen Geschichte.
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An astonishing trilogy of books, collected in one volume, documenting the tumultuous first half of the twentieth century in Spain'One of the great autobiographies of the twentieth century' New Republic'Moving and dramatic' New York Review of BooksThe Forging of a Rebel is an unsurpassed account of Spanish history and society from early in the twentieth century through the cataclysmic events of the Spanish Civil War.Arturo Barea's masterpiece charts the author's coming-of-age in a bruised and starkly unequal Spain. These three volumes recount in lively detail Barea's daily experience of his country as it pitched towards disaster: we are taken from his youthful play and rebellion on the streets of Madrid, to his apprenticeship in the business world and to the horrors he witnessed as part of the Spanish army in Morocco during the Rif War. The trilogy culminates in an indelible portrait of the Republican fight against Fascist forces, in which the Madrid of Barea's childhood becomes a shell and bullet-strewn warzone.Combining historical sweep and authority with poignant characterization and novelistic detail, The Forging of a Rebel is a towering literary and historical achievement.Arturo Barea (1897–1957) was born in Badajoz and raised and educated in Madrid. For most of the Spanish Civil War, he acted as head of the Foreign Press and Censorship Bureau of the Republican Government in Madrid and was also the radio broadcaster who spoke as the 'Unknown Voice of Madrid'. Eventually forced out of Spain, he sought temporary asylum in France before crossing to England just before the outbreak of World War II. He and his wife Ilsa settled in Eaton Hastings near Faringdon in Berkshire. From 1940 until 1957 he transmitted a weekly broadcast for Spanish Radio to South America known as Juan de Castilla. He published novels and short stories as well as books of criticism, including Lorca, the Poet (1944) and Unamuno (1952), and his great autobiographical trilogy The Forging of a Rebel first appeared in English between 1941 and 1946.
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