Hewitt Catherine
Źródło opisu
Katalog zbiorów
Forma i typ
Literatura faktu, eseje, publicystyka
Filia nr 1
Sekuła Aleksandra
Kozioł Paweł
Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Kotwica Wojciech
Hewitt Catherine
Kowalska Dorota
Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Konopnicka Maria
Popławska Anna (filolog)
Roberts Nora (1950- )
Christie Agatha (1890-1976)
Kochanowski Jan
Drewnowski Jacek (1974- )
Cartland Barbara
Zarawska Patrycja (1970- )
Steel Danielle (1947- )
Shakespeare William
Mickiewicz Adam (1798-1855)
Dickens Charles
Buchner Friederike von
Hackett Pete
Maybach Viola
Żeleński Tadeusz (1874-1941)
Waidacher Toni
Verne Jules
Włodarczyk Barbara
Prus Bolesław (1847-1912)
Shakespeare William (1564-1616)
Twain Mark
Poe Edgar Allan
Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
May Karl
Brzechwa Jan (1900-1966)
Ludwikowska Jolanta (1962- )
Zimnicka Iwona (1963- )
Krzyżanowski Julian
Otwinowska Barbara
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy (1812-1887)
London Jack
Słowacki Juliusz (1809-1849)
Konopnicka Maria (1842-1910)
Krzyżanowski Julian (1892-1976)
Leśmian Bolesław
Słowacki Juliusz
King Stephen (1947- )
Dönges Günter
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Mahr Kurt
Disney Walt (1901-1966)
Chotomska Wanda (1929-2017)
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Darlton Clark
Ewers H.G
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Królicki Zbigniew A. (1954- )
Донцова Дарья
Fabianowska Małgorzata
Kijowska Elżbieta (1950- )
Krasicki Ignacy
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Trzeciak Weronika
Kühnemann Andreas
Coben Harlan (1962- )
Калинина Дарья
Szulc Andrzej
Montgomery Lucy Maud (1874-1942)
Courths-Mahler Hedwig (1867-1950)
Marciniakówna Anna
Andersen Hans Christian (1805-1875)
Mickiewicz Adam
Francis H.G
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Conrad Joseph
Austen Jane
Webb Holly
May Karol
Chmielewska Joanna (1932-2013)
Vlcek Ernst
Tuwim Julian (1894-1953)
Barner G.F
Prus Bolesław
Autores Varios
Andersen Hans Christian
Chávez José Pérez
Ławnicki Lucjan
Ellmer Arndt
Gawryluk Barbara (1957- )
Szal Marek
Balzac Honoré de
Stevenson Robert Louis
Ochab Janusz (1971- )
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Palmer Roy
Iwaszkiewicz Jarosław (1894-1980)
Kasdepke Grzegorz (1972- )
Kipling Rudyard
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Okres powstania dzieła
Kraj wydania
Delabigne, Émilie-Louise (1848-1910)
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Paryż (Francja)
Dziedzina i ujęcie
4 wyniki Filtruj
W koszyku
Valtesse de la Bigne była słynną XIX-wieczną kurtyzaną, która podbijała paryskie salony. Modelka Maneta i muza Zoli uwieczniona w skandalicznej powieści „Nana”, na stałe gościła w kolumnach plotkarskich. Mówi się, że uwiodła przyszłego króla Edwarda VII i Napoleona III, a żaden mężczyzna nie mógł oprzeć się jej urokowi. Jednak hrabina ukrywała przed wszystkimi wstydliwy sekret - swoje pochodzenie. Urodziła się w skrajnej nędzy w paryskim zaułku, gdzie od najmłodszych lat doświadczała głodu. Dzięki niezwykłej urodzie i sprytowi szybko zrozumiała, że droga na szczyt wiedzie przez alkowy wpływowych mężczyzn. Biografia autorstwa Catherine Hewitt to historia niezwykłej kobiety, która mimo niskiego urodzenia, zawsze mierzyła wysoko. Sposoby, jakimi się posługiwała by zdobyć sławę i bogactwo, zaskakują do dziś i bez wątpienia zawstydziłyby niejedną współczesną celebrytkę.
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 392.6(44) (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Forma i typ
WINNER OF THE FRANCO-BRITISH SOCIETY LITERARY AWARD 2020 'Art is a Tyrant recounts [Bonheur's] life with no little brio.' Michael Prodger, The Times Books of the Year 2020 'A diligently researched, beautifully produced and insistently sympathetic biography.' Kathryn Hughes, Guardian A new biography of the wildly unconventional 19th-century animal painter and gender equality pioneer Rosa Bonheur, from the author of the acclaimed Mistress of Paris and Renoir's Dancer. Rosa Bonheur was the very antithesis of the feminine ideal of 19th-century society. She was educated, she shunned traditional 'womanly' pursuits, she rejected marriage - and she wore trousers. But the society whose rules she spurned accepted her as one of their own, because of her genius for painting animals. She shared an intimate relationship with the eccentric, self-styled inventor Nathalie Micas, who nurtured the artist like a wife. Together Rosa, Nathalie and Nathalie's mother bought a chateau and with Rosa's menagerie of animals the trio became one of the most extraordinary households of the day. Catherine Hewitt's compelling new biography is an inspiring evocation of a life lived against the rules.
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W koszyku
Forma i typ
In the 1880s, Suzanne Valadon was considered the Impressionists' most beautiful model. But behind her captivating façade lay a closely-guarded secret. Born in poverty in rural France, as a teenager in Montmartre, Suzanne began posing for – and having affairs with – some of the age's most renowned painters. Then Renoir caught her indulging in a passion she had been trying to conceal: the model was herself a talented artist. Some found her vibrant still lifes and frank portraits as shocking as her bohemian lifestyle. At eighteen, she gave birth to an illegitimate child, future painter Maurice Utrillo. But her friends Toulouse-Lautrec and Degas could see her skill. Rebellious and opinionated, she refused to be confined by tradition or gender, and in 1894, her work was accepted to the Salon de la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, an extraordinary achievement for a working-class woman with no formal art training. Renoir's Dancer tells the remarkable tale of an ambitious, headstrong woman fighting to find a professional voice in a male-dominated world.
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W koszyku
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Valtesse de la Bigne was a celebrated nineteenth-century Parisian courtesan. She was painted by Manet and inspired Emile Zola, who immortalised her in his scandalous novel Nana. Her rumoured affairs with Napoleon III and the future Edward VII kept gossip columns full. But her glamourous existence hid a dark secret: she was no Comtesse. She was born into abject poverty, raised on a squalid Paris backstreet; the lowest of the low. Yet she transformed herself into an enchantress who possessed a small fortune, three mansions, fabulous carriages, and art the envy of connoisseurs across Europe. A consummate show-woman, she ensured that her life – and even her death – remained shrouded in just enough mystery to keep her audience hungry for more. Catherine Hewitt's biography tells, for the first time ever in English, the forgotten story of a remarkable woman who, though her roots were lowly, never stopped aiming high.
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