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Publikacje dydaktyczne
Komiksy i książki obrazkowe
tylko na miejscu
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Dział dla Dzieci i Młodzieży
Dział Książki Obcojęzycznej
Centrum Wiedzy o Tarnowie i Regionie
Czytelnia Naukowa
Filia nr 1
Filia nr 2
Filia nr 5
Filia nr 8
Filia nr 9
Filia nr 12
Filia nr 13
Filia nr 14
Filia nr 17
Filia nr 18
Czytelnia Naukowa - na miejscu
Nienacki Zbigniew
Waliś Robert (1979- )
Gmitrzuk Andrzej
Szymańska Ewa (1945- )
Dołęga-Mostowicz Tadeusz
Dulemba Włodzimierz (1956- )
Izdebski Hubert (1947- )
Garlicki Leszek (1946- )
Malajkat Wojciech (1963- )
Proust Marcel
Shakespeare William
Silberg Jackie (1934- )
Brykczyński Marcin (1946- )
Chodakowska Ewa (1982- )
Cioch Agnieszka
Kavoukis Lefteris
Kulesza Michał (1948-2013)
Lubowiecka Paulina
Mackiewicz Jadwiga (1930- )
Montgomery Lucy Maud (1874-1942)
Pankhurst Kate
Reymont Władysław Stanisław
Stachura Bożena (1974- )
Sánchez Andrea Álvarez
Winczorek Piotr (1943- )
Abrams John
Conrad Joseph
DiCamillo Kate
Drzewicz Wiesław (1927-1996)
Goldhawk Harry
Goldhawk Zanna
Klonowski Tomasz
Montgomery Lucy Maud (1874-1942). Ania z Zielonego Wzgórza
Penksyk Stanisław (1950- )
Piekarski Przemysław (1952-2019)
Prus Bolesław
Schiller Pamela Byrne
Sieczyk Marcin
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Stańczyk Jan (1886-1953)
Wejchert-Spodenkiewicz Aleksandra
Wojtaszczyk Konstanty Adam (1952- )
Amaden-Crawford Connie
Andersen Hans Christian (1805-1875)
Anderson Liz McKendry (1961- )
Attwood Tony (1952- )
Awdziej Marcin
Babin Charles E
Baczyński Krzysztof Kamil
Baranowski Władysław
Barrie James Matthew
Bałtruszajtys Grażyna
Beck Józef
Becket Michael Ivan H
Bielecka Agnieszka
Bojarski Łukasz
Bombol Małgorzata
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Bruno Schulz
Buchla Magdalena
Carruthers Mark
Centkiewicz Czesław Jacek (1904-1996). Anaruk, chłopiec z Grenlandii
Cervantes Saavedra Miguel de
Chaplin Mike
Charles Dickens
Chomicki Oskar Adolf (1931- )
Chopin Fryderyk (1810-1849)
Chotomska Wanda (1929-2017). Dzieci pana Astronoma
Crilley Mark (1965- )
Curran Kevin
Czechow Antoni
Daly Michael
Defoe Daniel
Dmowski Roman
Donelly Ann
Donovan William J
Doyle Arthur Conan
Drzewicz Wiesław
Dąbrowska Anna (ekonomika)
E.T.A. Hoffmann
Ellis Charles D
Emmons Polly Godwin (1960- )
Ering Timothy B
Fedrau Iwona
Foley David
Forbes Steve (1947- )
Ford David
Gołyński Krzysztof
Gray Peter C. (1969- )
Grimm Jacob (1785-1863)
Grimm Wilhelm (1786-1859)
Głodek Paweł (1964- )
Hennessy Don
Jamieson Victoria
Joseph Conrad
Jurewicz Tomasz
Kafka Franz
Kajder Krzysztof (1951- )
Kasdepke Grzegorz (1972- )
Kazimierski Piotr
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1940 - 1949
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Kraj wydania
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Stany Zjednoczone
6-8 lat
9-13 lat
0-5 lat
Szkoły podstawowe
14-17 lat
Klasa 6.
Klasa 2.
Klasa 3.
Przynależność kulturowa
Literatura polska
Literatura amerykańska
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Literatura francuska
Literatura kanadyjska
Literatura australijska
Literatura niemiecka
Prawo państwowe
Papiery wartościowe
Giełda papierów wartościowych
Ania Shirley (postać fikcyjna)
Dysleksja i dysgrafia
Działacze społeczni
Gimnastyka kobieca
Gry edukacyjne
Gry i zabawy
Jednorożec (stworzenie fantastyczne)
Język polski
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Muzyka fortepianowa
Muzyka polska
Prawo pracy
Rozwój psychofizyczny dziecka
Techniki rysunkowe
Wychowanie obywatelskie
Włosy rude
Zespół ADHD
Aktorzy polscy
Anning, Mary (1799-1847)
Aranżacja i transkrypcja
Austen, Jane (1775-1817)
Bailey, Florence Augusta Merriam
Baker, Josephine (1906-1975)
Beling, Ingeborg
Blackwell, Elizabeth (1821-1910)
Boudika (królowa Icenów)
Brown Kampakuta, Eileen
Broń biologiczna
Ceesay, Isatou
Chanel, Coco (1883-1971)
Chilver, Marie Christine (1920-2007)
Choroby afektywne dwubiegunowe
Clark, Eugenie (1922-2015)
Czas wolny od pracy
Dziecko autystyczne
Dziecko trudne
Earhart, Amelia (1897-1937)
Ederle, Gertrude (1905-2003)
Edmund Bojanowski (błogosławiony ; 1814-1871)
Farkas, Edit
Frank, Anne (1929-1945)
Fundusz powierniczy
Goodall, Jane (1934- )
Gry i zabawy ruchowe
Gry i zabawy umysłowe
Hatszepsut (królowa Egiptu ; 1550-ok. 1480 p.n.e.)
Himilsbach, Jan (1931-1988)
Inayat Khan, Noor-un-Nisa (1914-1944)
Integracja percepcyjno-motoryczna
Język polski (przedmiot szkolny)
Kahlo, Frida (1907-1954)
Kaplica Sykstyńska (Watykan)
Konsumenci (ekon.)
Lektura szkolna
Lovelace, Ada King (1815-1852)
Maathai, Wangari (1940-2011)
Malarstwo (szt.plast.)
Temat: dzieło
Matka Boska Łaskawa z Czudca (obraz)
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Avonlea (Kanada ; miasto fikcyjne)
Wyspa Księcia Edwarda (Kanada ; prowincja)
Warszawa (woj. mazowieckie)
Opowiadania i nowele
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Gry i zabawy
Muzyka na fortepian i orkiestrę
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Socjologia i społeczeństwo
223 wyniki Filtruj
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1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 349.2 [Czytelnia] (1 egz.)
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.112.2-3 (1 egz.)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.112.2-3 (1 egz.)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.112.2-3 (1 egz.)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.112.2-3 (2 egz.)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.112.2-3 (1 egz.)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.112.2-3 (1 egz.)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821.112.2-3 (1 egz.)
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. II/Op (1 egz.)
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Egzemplarze są obecnie niedostępne: sygn. II/Op
Egzemplarze są obecnie niedostępne
Egzemplarze są obecnie niedostępne
Egzemplarze są obecnie niedostępne
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. II/O (1 egz.)
Egzemplarze są obecnie niedostępne
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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a communicable disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. On March 11,The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a pandemic, which causes a sickness known as COVID-19 that has spread vastly to nearly every country.The virus has killed more than 128,000 people and infested more than 2 millionThis book provides detailed information on the origin and history strain that causes COVID-19 .The countries and territories affected by and their responses, measures to manage, aid and preventing the spread of the ongoing pandemic .Detail insights are given to signs and symptoms, the causes, diagnosis that is associated with the transmission, workplace hazards, the use of medications, experimental treatments, handling and supporting mental health conditions, reinfection ,the social impact and the crusade of misinformation in the world.The manuscript answers vital questions regarding: What is the novel coronavirus?Should I be Tested for coronavirus How do you catch the coronavirus?Can coronaviruses be transmitted from person to person? What happens if you catch the coronavirus?Is there a treatment for a novel coronavirus? Why are people worried about catching the coronavirus? Is there any cure for the coronavirus?What can I do to protect myself?Why are there a lockdown within countries? What can I do to help with this pandemic? Whats the economy of world future?This disease is shifting lives across the globe and will have a lifelong effect on us allA Portion of Royalties from this book will be donated to medical charities supporting with the international response to this pandemic.
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Die Coronavirus-Krankheit (COVID-19) ist eine übertragbare Krankheit, die durch ein neu entdecktes Coronavirus verursacht wird. Am 11. Märzhat die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) eine Pandemie ausgerufen, die eine Krankheit verursacht, die als COVID-19 bekannt ist und sich in fast allen Ländern ausgebreitet hat.Das Virus hat mehr als 128.000 Menschen getötet und mehr als 2 MillionenDieses Buch enthält detaillierte Informationen über den Ursprung und die Geschichte Stamm, der COVID-19 verursacht. Die Länder und Gebiete, die von den von den Maßnahmen zur Verwaltung, Hilfe und Verhinderung der Ausbreitung der anhaltenden Pandemie betroffen sind und ihre Reaktionen. Detaillierte Einblicke werden zu Anzeichen und Symptomen gegeben, die Ursachen, Diagnose, die mit der Übertragung verbunden ist, Gefahren am Arbeitsplatz, die Verwendung von Medikamenten, experimentelle Behandlungen, Umgang und Unterstützung psychischer Erkrankungen, Reinfektion, die sozialen Auswirkungen und der Kreuzzug der Fehlinformation in der Welt.Das Manuskript beantwortet wichtige Fragen zu:Was ist das neuartige Coronavirus?Sollte ich auf Coronavirus getestet werdenWie fangen Sie das Coronavirus?Können Coronaviren von Mensch zu Mensch übertragen werden? Was passiert, wenn Sie das Coronavirus fangen?Gibt es eine Behandlung für ein neuartiges Coronavirus? Warum machen sich die Menschen Sorgen, das Coronavirus zu fangen? Gibt es eine Heilung für das Coronavirus?Was kann ich tun, um mich zu schützen? Warum gibt es eine Sperrung innerhalb der Länder? Was kann ich tun, um bei dieser Pandemie zu helfen? Was ist die Wirtschaft der Welt zukunft?"Diese Krankheit verändert Leben auf der ganzen Welt und wird eine lebenslange Wirkung auf uns alle haben"Ein Teil der Lizenzgebühren aus diesem Buch wird an medizinische Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen gespendet, die die internationale Reaktion auf diese Pandemie unterstützen.
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Excellent. Thought-provoking. A must-read' - Belfast Telegraph 'Fascinating' - Irish Times 'Mark Carruthers has done something remarkably clever and refreshing . . . A very important book' - Belfast News Letter 'The best political book of the year' - Alex Kane Ulster is an ambiguous and complex place. With six of its nine counties in Northern Ireland and three in the Republic of Ireland, it is perhaps most readily associated with the Troubles of the past four decades. It is also, however, a place with a rich literary, musical and sporting heritage. Its people represent a surprising mix of cultural identities, religious ideologies and political allegiances. There is no one settled Ulster identity but as this collection of conversations bears out, there are many areas where experiences and beliefs overlap - even though people come from very different backgrounds and traditions. In Alternative Ulsters, the broadcaster Mark Carruthers interviews a wide range of high-profile writers, actors, journalists and politicians, each of them with an enduring Ulster connection. He uses his finely tuned skills as an interviewer to draw each contributor into a personal reflection on identity. The stories and experiences that helped shape and influence each of the thirty-six interviewees are presented here in a series of colourful, lively, and at times deeply moving exchanges. Together, these conversations with those who know the place best explore Ulster in the twenty-first century, revealing a freshness of thought and a richness of culture that rarely make the headlines.
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One good track could change everything. Just one good track and Rob Lynch can finally quit his suburban teaching job and get his band, the Terrors, once Dublin's next big thing, the fame and recognition they dream of. But it's not happening - they need a new sound. When Rob discovers the unique gifts of one of his students, John 'Kembo' Pereira, a troubled African teenager with a particular talent for creating beats, he sees an opportunity that might just keep his musical ambitions alive. As Rob and John's relationship develops, however, a series of disturbing events unfold that will rock both their lives to the core. And when the Terrors start to crumble, Rob finds out just how far he is willing to go, and what he is willing to lose, in order to keep his dream alive. Powerfully capturing the energy, wit and pathos of a changed Dublin society, Beatsploitation gives voice to a cynical, disillusioned generation, caught between the tired values of the old and the uncertainty of the new. An assured, arresting debut by a commanding new talent.
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Michael is about to embark on writing his second book, all about the meaning of true success. His agent wants him to take an academic stance – a review of success down through the ages – but Michael wants to write a book that feels true to him. So he embarks on a 22-week overland trip from London to Sydney, to give him a chance to figure it all out.He gets his answer unexpectedly in a hotel in Singapore, where the mysterious Parandin asks him a series of questions about what it means to live a life of true success. She challenges him to share what he has learnt, in order to inspire others.You may be feeling that:The success you want in your life has evaded you or passed you byYou have been pursuing someone else's idea of successYou have no idea what true success might mean for you.If so, then this is the book for you. Whether you are just starting out on your life's journey or have already gone some way down the road, Michael shows you that it is never too late to discover what true success means to you, and to go after it. For when you do, anything can happen.
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The File Note / David Foley. - [miejsce nieznane] : Liberties Press : Legimi, 2019.
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James Hadfield is a middle-aged solicitor with Timmons & Associates in the sleepy village of Kilcreddin. The death of Lord Barrington, his firm's most important client, is immediately viewed with suspicion in the locality, and a high-profile murder inquiry is soon under way.As more deaths follow, a handwritten note found by Hadfield throws him into the middle of the investigation, along with Hilary, the office manager, Mick, the law clerk, and Lucinda, the new apprentice. Hadfield's friend FitzHerbert, a Senior Counsel specialising in criminal law, quickly finds himself involved as they try to piece together what happened.All the beneficiaries of the Barrington will are suspects, while none have an alibi, and it seems Hadfield may even be in the frame. Love is also in the air, but where exactly that might lead is not entirely clear. Will Hadfield solve the mystery – and help apprehend the guilty party – before he, she or they can strike again? With more twists and turns than an old country road, The File Note is a classic page-turner that offers intrigue and romance in equal measure.
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The Weinstein affair in Hollywood has grabbed the headlines for months. Controlling behaviour, particularly of men towards women, is far more common, in all walks of life, than we have been led to believe. In this easy-to-read guide, best-selling author Don Hennessy offers advice to all those dealing with violent or controlling behaviour in their own lives, based on his experience of dealing with hundreds of such people in a therapeutic setting. Most important, he explains to the reader how they can throw off the shackles and live lives free from fear and intimidation.
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The remarkable coming-of-age novel from acclaimed Vermont poet Peter Money. Shines like a pint in Slatterys on a rainy Friday night, with the promise of adventures to come. A Dublin On the Road. As featured in, RTÉ Radio 1's Arena, the Limerick Leader, the Irish Examiner and the Irish Times.
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John Montague, best known as a poet, is also a gifted prose writer.A Ball of Firecollects all of his short stories, together with the erotic novellaThe Lost Notebook(which he hoped to have banned, but which ended up winning a major literary prize).In the shorter stories, fromThe Road Ahead, which comments poignantly on the loss of established landmarks, to the title story, in which a series of chance encounters helps unlock a painter s creativity, he casts a cool yet sympathetic eye over his environment, both in Ireland and farther afield.The longer works -The Lost Notebooks(about the incendiary relationship between a troubled American girl and a young Irish man in Florence),Death of a Chieftain(a daringly ambitious story set in Mexico) andThe Three Last Things(a moving meditation on love and death) - stand as pillars within the book.Montague's clear prose is shot through with hard-won insights into his fellow human beings, and the various burdens, physical and emotional, under which they labour. And of course through it all runs the theme of the importance of love, in its many forms.
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Michael Murphy's second volume of prose, The House of Pure Being, charts the author's experiences and revelations since the release of his best-selling memoir, At Five in the Afternoon. In this sequel, he brings the inspiring stories of his women friends up to date, tackles difficult subjects like the lingering effects of cancer, and the passing of Aengus Fanning (former editor of the Sunday Independent), and writes movingly of his Civil Partnership ceremony to his long-time partner Terry. Michael shares his deeply insightful and unique reflections on writing, art, language, love, family and friendship, and the seductive charms of his beloved Spain. Thought-provoking and eloquent, The House of Pure Being explores the inner complexities of an exceptional writer, and in doing so, highlights the warmth and compassion of a much-admired man.
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Baby Ava is the moving and insightful account of Caroline and Niall O'Flaherty's struggle to have a baby. Faced with infertility after Caroline's battle with cervical cancer, the couple begin to explore various options. However, with the usual pathways of IVF and adoption proving too problematic, all hope seems lost until Caroline happens to see a TV documentary about surrogacy in India. Buoyed by the possibility of a child, the pair contact the Akanksha Infertility clinic run by Der Nayna Patel and set about making arrangements to travel to India. This book details their remarkable journey through the surrogacy process, from Caroline and Niall's first trip to India, to the arrival of their beautiful daughter. Following Ava's birth, however, the O'Flaherty's meet a further obstacle; with no surrogacy legislation in place in Ireland, they cannot obtain an Irish passport for their child. Niall immediately embarks on a campaign to bring his family home, as Caroline adjusts to motherhood while stranded in a foreign land. The O'Flahertys' story is both poignant and powerful. Their personal exploration of this emotive issue provokes thought on the wider questions of morality and ethics surrounding surrogacy, making Baby Ava as enlightening and challenging a read as it is heartwarming.
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Bella ciao surgió como un canto popular de la resistencia italiana contra la ocupación nazi en Italia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La cantaban los partisanos en su lucha contra el fascismo. Sus raíces, sin embargo, se remontan a principios de 1900, con la versión que cantaban las trabajadoras de los arrozales padanos, las mondine. En los años sesenta Bella ciao se difundió en las manifestaciones obreras y estudiantiles, y hoy en día vive una nueva etapa: tras aparecer en una famosa serie de televisión, se comenzó a cantar y a sonar en las discotecas de moda. Pero ¿conocen su significado? El presente ensayo literario llevará al lector por un viaje a través de la historia que le permitirá reflexionar sobre los orígenes de este himno de libertad y resistencia, conocido en todo el mundo, así como su influencia en el presente.
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¡El Consejo Universal quiere eliminar a la Tierra! Hay rumores de que los humanos no saben preservar la vida y son peligrosos para el resto del cosmos. Cuernito es un extraterrestre enviado a la Tierra para investigar. Sabina, una niña que se hace su amiga, le mostrará cosas buenas y malas. Cuernito dará el informe al final de su misión. ¿Será destruida la Tierra?
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The Universal Council wants to get rid of Earth! The rumor is that humans do not know how to take care of life and are a big danger to the rest of the universe. Little Horn is an alien sent to Earth from outer space to investigate. He meets a young girl named Sabina who becomes his friend. Sabina shows Little Horn all the amazing things about life on Earth, but she doesn't hide the not-so-good things, either. Soon, Little Horn must go back home to Planet Horn and give his final report. It's an important mission. Now the question is: Will Earth be destroyed?
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On board the French ship Mexique in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, two boys become fast friends. Driven from Spain by civil war, Oriol and Xavi join an exodus of refugees traveling to Mexico. The mysterious Cap¬tain Giloc, the magic of music, first love, and a terrible incident would mark their fates forever. Their voyage carried stories of exile, friendship, loss, love, authoritaria¬nism, pain, sick-ness, fantasy, and loneliness. The authors, descendants of such exiles, gathered a selection of true testimonies given by Spanish Republicans in Mexico and used them to write this emotive fiction for chil¬dren and adults. The Mexique won the Timón de Oro literary award in 2010, organized by Mexico's De-partment of the Navy and the Cultural Institute of the State of Mexico.
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In little more than four years, Barack Obama rose from political obscurity to become the 44th president of the United States. His election win in November 2008 was a moment of enormous historical magnitude, greeted with an outpouring of emotion in the US and around the world. However, on taking office, Obama was faced with unparalleled challenges as the global economy plunged ever-deeper into crisis and the US struggled with the two wars in which it was enmeshed.In Redemption Song, Niall Stanage tells the extraordinary tale of Obama's journey from community organiser in Chicago to leader of the free world through exclusive interviews with some of the new president's oldest friends and closest advisors. He explores the then-senator's long and acrimonious tussle with Hillary Clinton, sheds new light on his battle with John McCain and running mate Sarah Palin, and hears from the members of the grassroots movement that carried Obama all the way to the Oval Office.He also provides an intimate account of the first phase of the Obama presidency, reporting from within the White House walls on the new Administration's first tests, triumphs and tribulations.
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Do it whale / Joe Whale. - [miejsce nieznane] : Liberando : Legimi, 2018.
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Der alte Seebär und Wal-Guide Joe Whale hat im Lauf seines Lebens so manches gesehen. Die bunt zusammengewürfelte Touristengruppe, die an diesem speziellen Tag in sein Boot steigt, wird ihm trotzdem lange in Erinnerung bleiben. Ob Frank aus New York, der auf seine alten Tage etwas Neues beginnen möchte, das junge Ehepaar Carl und Cindy oder Elisa, für die diese Ausfahrt der Höhepunkt ihrer letzten Reise ist. Sie alle erleben den Zauber der Wale, im Speziellen von Joes Freund Foggy, und bekommen die Chance, den Lauf ihres Lebens komplett zu verändern.
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